Lens Reverse Engineering Case Study
Case Study: Lens Reverse Engineering

Key Takeaways Reverse Optical Engineering is pivotal for recreating or enhancing optical components, especially when original designs are unavailable or are in need of improvement.  This case study showcases the necessary steps in lens reverse engineering, from customer collaboration and sample testing to optical path simulation and final lens assembly.  Using advanced tools and iterative […]

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Advancements in Reflective Microscope Objectives
Advancements in Reflective Microscope Objectives

Key Takeaways:  Reflective microscope objectives are revolutionary in optical design, addressing challenges such as chromatic aberration and enabling diffraction-limited performance across a wide wavelength range.  Their mirror-based construction reduces chromatic aberration and extends working distances, while maintaining stability and precision through uniform thermal coefficients. The two-mirror Schwarzschild objective exemplifies meticulous alignment for optimal performance. These […]

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SWIR Camera Surveillance
SWIR Camera Surveillance

Key Takeaways SWIR Camera Surveillance uses SWIR light to achieve superior SWIR imaging in conditions where visible light fails. SWIR light penetrates fog and smoke better than visible light, providing clearer images. SWIR imaging is unaffected by heat haze and atmospheric variations, ensuring consistent quality. SWIR cameras use sensors like InGaAs or MCT, often integrating […]

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