Lens Reverse Engineering Case Study
Case Study: Lens Reverse Engineering

Key Takeaways Reverse Optical Engineering is pivotal for recreating or enhancing optical components, especially when original designs are unavailable or are in need of improvement.  This case study showcases the necessary steps in lens reverse engineering, from customer collaboration and sample testing to optical path simulation and final lens assembly.  Using advanced tools and iterative […]

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Warranty Policy Update
Warranty Policy Update News

Warranty Policy Update Avantier is pleased to announce a new update to our warranty policy! We now offer a TWO-year guarantee for all optical components and optical assemblies, inclusive of all parts and labor. We stand firmly behind our products with complete confidence, committing to complimentary repairs for products returned within TWO years of delivery, excluding issues caused […]

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Advancements in Reflective Microscope Objectives
Advancements in Reflective Microscope Objectives

Key Takeaways:  Reflective microscope objectives are revolutionary in optical design, addressing challenges such as chromatic aberration and enabling diffraction-limited performance across a wide wavelength range.  Their mirror-based construction reduces chromatic aberration and extends working distances, while maintaining stability and precision through uniform thermal coefficients. The two-mirror Schwarzschild objective exemplifies meticulous alignment for optimal performance. These […]

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Design of an Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror

Design of an Off-Axis Parabola Mirror Off-axis parabolic mirrors, commonly referred to as OAP mirrors, are engineered to manipulate parallel light beams. Unlike standard flat mirrors, they leverage a parabolic section to achieve specific optical functions. Collimation: When a divergent light beam meets the OAP mirror parallel to its optical axis, the parabolic surface collimates […]

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