Cutting-Edge Space Optics and High-Performance Optical systems for Space Missions

With extensive experience in high-precision opto-mechanical design, fabrication, and assembly, Avantier is a trusted partner in major space programs worldwide. Our space optics solutions, including optical systems for space remote sensing payloads like space cameras and satellite-borne optical cameras, meet the stringent requirements of both space science and Earth Observation (EO) missions, ensuring high quality, precision, and accuracy.

optics for space, optical systems for space, space optics
Optics for Space
Silicon Carbide Mirrors, optics for space, optical systems for space, space optics
Silicon Carbide Mirrors (Front)
Gold Coated Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror
Gold Coated Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror
Custom Opticle Domes
Custom Optical Domes


Standard Spec


Key Features

OAP Mirrors


Surface Roughness: R5 nm.

Surface Accuracy: 1/10 λ RMS.

Surface Shape: 1/8 λ.

Surface Quality: 60-40.

Aluminum (Protected,


UV Enhanced),

Gold (Protected, Bare)

Silver (Protected,

Ultrafast Enhanced)

Customizable Specifications and Coatings,

Precision Manufacturing

SiC Mirrors

Silicon Carbide (SiC)

Surface Shape: Flat, Sphere, Aspheric.

Surface Flatness: Up to λ/100 RMS.

Aluminum (Al), Silver (Ag), Gold (Au), and high laser damage threshold dielectric coatings.


High Strength and Stiffness,

High Thermal Conductivity,

Thermal Stability,

Optical Domes

Fused Silica, Sapphire,

Germanium, Zinc Selenide (ZnSe),

MgF2 Ceramic

Surface Accuracy: 1/10-1 λ.

Dimensional Tolerance: ±0.1 mm.

Surface Quality: 20/10 to 60/40.

Clear Aperture: 90%.

Anti-Reflection (AR) Coatings: Available for VIS, SWIR, NIR, MWIR, LWIR, and broadband.

Customizable Sizes,

High Durability, Precision Manufacturing, Application Versatility


*Other specifications (materials,  angles, sizes etc)  and custom coatings are available upon request 

Comprehensive Solutions for Micro-Satellites

Avantier designs and supplies multiple types of optical components for various micro-satellites used in scientific, defense, and remote sensing applications.  

Space Applications

Navigation with Optical Sensors:

  • Satellites use star trackers, which are essentially high-precision cameras, to identify and track specific stars. This information helps the satellite determine its orientation and adjust its course.
  • Space telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope, use a complex system of mirrors and lenses to focus faint light from distant objects.

Optical Communication:

  • Free-space laser communication allows for high-bandwidth data transfer between spacecraft and Earth, or even between spacecraft themselves. Lasers offer significant advantages over traditional radio waves for these applications.

Space Telescopes:

  • Space telescopes are renowned applications of optical technologies. The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, is famous for its discoveries such as the universe’s expansion rate and dark energy. Its 2.4-meter primary mirror collects visible and ultraviolet light.

Observation and Science:

  • Many scientific instruments on spacecraft use optical components. For example, spectrometers analyze the light emitted by objects to determine their composition.
  • Recent lunar missions have utilized lasers to search for ice deposits in permanently shadowed craters.

Photovoltaic Devices: 

  • Photovoltaic devices are crucial for space applications, powering spacecraft in orbit. Solar cells convert sunlight into electricity, powering the spacecraft’s systems and recharging its batteries.  

Advanced Capabilities and Technologies for Space Optics

  • Optical Polishing: Capable of processing any refractive optical material and mirror substrates (glass, SiC etc.) up to 4 meters. We produce high-precision plano, freeform, spherical, and aspheric surfaces using computer-controlled polishing and ion-beam-figuring techniques.
  • Coating: Uses advanced techniques like IAD E-Beam and IBS to produce coatings for filters, beam splitters, and more. These coatings are critical across various industries and spectral regions.
  • Precision Alignment and Integration: Proven techniques for lens centering, mounting, and mirror attachment. Components are aligned and integrated before undergoing extensive environmental tests for space qualification. 

Key Products and Services

D187mm Germanium Optical Dome
D187mm Germanium Optical Dome
optics for space, optical systems for space, space optics, parabolic mirror in telescope
Parabolic mirror in telescope
Ritchey Chrétien Telescope
Ritchey Chrétien Telescope
Silver Coated Off Axis Parabolic Mirror
Silver Coated Off Axis Parabolic Mirror

Optical Systems for Space with Avantier 

Avantier provides optical solutions for Earth Science, space based optical communication, photonics in satellite optical payloads, space-based quantum communication, and photonic technology for space applications.

Optimize your space missions with Avantier’s high-performance optical systems. Contact us today to learn more about our capabilities and how we can support your project. 

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